Family addiction counseling | 360 Perimeter Counseling, PLLC | United States
Jessica L. Helmka, MA, LADC/MH
(405) 589-8553
Gain the strength you need to manage your addiction and mental health and learn to thrive!
Let the challenges of the current pandemic give rise to the warrior within you!
Let's get started! Call me!
Individual Addiction Counseling
Individual Mental Health Counseling
Individual Co-occurring Counseling
Virtual Addiction and Mental Health Recovery Group
Family Counseling for Addiction and/or Mental Health
Family Member Group Therapy - Family Addiction and Mental Health Issues

Individual Therapy
For Clients and/or Family Members
If you are tired of feeling hopeless and defeated by addiction and mental illness, individual therapy can help activate your mind, body, and soul. 360 Perimeter Counseling is specifically designed to not only help you while in session, but also teaches you useful life skills to use in your daily interactions. You will be challenged to mindfully engage in activities such as emotional processing, meditation, and homework on various topics that will increase your chances for success. These tools and skills will allow you to create a lasting holistic recovery lifestyle based on your values and priorities. Things that matter to YOU!
Services available in person and/or virtual
Gain the strength you need to overcome addiction and improve your mental health.
Today can be the day you take your life back!
Individual Addiction Counseling
Individual Mental Health Counseling
Individual Co-occurring Counseling
Virtual Addiction and Mental Health Recovery Group
Family Counseling for Addiction and/or Mental Health
Family Member Group Therapy - Family Addiction and Mental Health Issues

Individual Therapy
For Clients and/or Family Members
If you are tired of feeling hopeless and defeated by addiction and mental illness, individual therapy can help activate your mind, body, and soul. 360 Perimeter Counseling is specifically designed to not only help you while in session, but also teaches you useful life skills to use in your daily interactions. You will be challenged to mindfully engage in activities such as emotional processing, meditation, and homework on various topics that will increase your chances for success. These tools and skills will allow you to create a lasting holistic recovery lifestyle based on your values and priorities. Things that matter to YOU!
Weekly Family Group
A Family is Only as Strong as its Most Struggling Member
If you are a family member who feels frustrated and lost in the problems that addiction has created in your family, then my weekly family group might be just what you need. Members are provided psychoeducation, emotional processing guided by a licensed therapist and support from other family members. The group meets once a weeks for 1.5 hours and is structured by my curriculum and family workbooks. This group empowers family members to find their own balance, create boundaries and learn healthy ways of helping their loved one up, as opposed to giving hand-outs that ultimately drive the cycle of destruction in the family system.

Addiction Recovery
Virtual Group Therapy
This group is currently full. Registration will open in Fall of 2022.
Dates to be determined. Information will be shared as soon as it is decided.
This group will not only help you overcome addiction, but will give you tools to manage mental health symptoms such as anxiety or depression. This is a 12 week group that meets once a week for 3 hours and consists of the following elements:
- Addiction education
- Mental health education
- Peer support
- Group therapy
- Client workbook
Space is limited!
Call now for a free consultation.
405 589-8553